Technological installation Recycling Waste

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It is proposed to develop a full technological cycle for recycling manure runoff of pig farms.

Disadvantages of the known methods:

  • economically costly;
  • labor-intensive, long-term technology recycling or environmentally unsafe;
  • the use of the materials obtained in the field is possible only within strictly defined seasons – requires long-term storage, respectively – the loss of quality.

The proposed method (Recycling Waste) is a combination of several efficient and cost-effective ways of processing manure runoff without losing the quality of their processing in the short period of time, without harmful effects on the environment and staff.

The advantage  – the possibility of using waste as a valuable liquid fertilizer in any phase of plant growth.

The basis of the proposed systems – flow reactor, which is used in the composition of elements, used by industry, or simple for mass production.

** Features of technological operations

  • High quality solution of humic substances transform nitrogen-containing substances in the wastewater environment into humate ammonium compounds, available for plants assimilation. An important component of the application of humic substances in the waste, is a transformation of the amide nitrogen in the ammonium form with the release of CO2. Such a combination of nitrogen and carbon enables to convert calcium phosphates, available in large quantity in the soil, into soluble form of phosphorous compounds.
  • The use of humic substances and immunomodulators provides resistance to unfavorable environment and growth of specific microbial cultures used to activate the nitrification of organic substance in the soil.
  • Saturation of drain with ozone allows the transformation of hydrogen sulfide into the available for plants, non-toxic sulfate compounds, as well as disinfection of sewage from the pathogenic microorganisms and helminths.
  • The precipitate, deposited during filtration and storage of treated effluent is directed to the production of granulated organic fertilizer with adding peat reagent and, if necessary, macronutrients in the form of dry mixes.
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